Saturday, November 19, 2011

Karen Gillan Talks Exit

The Doctor's latest companion Amy Pond is reaching her end on the TARDIS. Karen Gillan who has taken on the role for two years has vowed that she will not return to the show once she leaves.

Previous companions Rose Tyler, Martha Jones, Donna Noble, and Sarah Jane Smith have all made return appearances after their time traveling days came to an end. But Gillan has said that she will not be doing the same when the time comes for her to leave the show.

"Death would be an option. I don't want Amy to pop up again every so often, because for me it would take away from the big, emotional goodbye." She told The Brilliant Book Of Doctor Who 2012. "Once she's gone, she's gone. I want people to remember the Amy Pond era as a good one." She added.

Gillan admitted that she is uncertain of her future on the show: "I don't really know what's going on, to be honest... the time is going to come when Amy and Rory have to leave. It's inevitable... I will welcome the new companion with open arms. But I don't know what kind of companion he'd have next."

For the most of us we will be sad to see Amy and Rory go, it aways is. But the show must go on, and the TARDIS must continue to fly. Personally there has only been one companion I was ready to see left behind, and that was Donna Noble. She was a bit to loud for me, but I for one will miss Rory and Amy.

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